Chess Club
Chess Club is offered to our students via an outside agency called Chess Scholars. Boys and girls in grades K-8 may register for a fee and it is available several times per year. Information will be sent home with students when classes become available.
Fall Course Time: Wednesdays, October 11th – December 20th, 3:05 – 4:05pm (no class: 11/22)
To sign up for Chess Scholars, please visit
You will need to enter the class code SLB10.11.17 in order to register. Please register by 10/1 for the early bird price of $128.00.
Fall Course Time: Wednesdays, October 11th – December 20th, 3:05 – 4:05pm (no class: 11/22)
To sign up for Chess Scholars, please visit
You will need to enter the class code SLB10.11.17 in order to register. Please register by 10/1 for the early bird price of $128.00.